"No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous" - Henry Brook Adams
Inspired by the meditation belief system of Chakra. Chakras correspond to vital points in the physical body, with the 3rd Chakra being that of the throat and the 4th being that of the heart. The Throat Chakra dictates your ability to communicate, while the 4th Chakra is seen as the "third eye", and allows for you to see the bigger picture. The 4th Chakra also correlates with intuition, imagination, and wisdom. To further express the idea of the Chakra, I incorporated crystals as they are known for their healing abilities. The blue agate is a symbol of strength and courage, strengthening the mind and grounding emotions/physical energy. The blue of the agate reduces stress and negatives thoughts, heals the throat, and purifies the blood.